1140 Douglas Ave | Racine, WI
Phone: 262-634-9902 | Fax: 555-555-1234
1140 Douglas Ave Racine WI 53402
Next Member Meeting:
Sunday, March 9th, 9am
* Requirement for membership is 30 days of sobriety and recommendation of a current member.
Monday May 26th, 2025
* Memorial Day Cookout
Tentatively scheduled 12p-4p
$7 per person, burgers/brats, chips and
one beverage included
Bring a dish to pass if you wish
Saturday August 9th, 2025
* Annual Club Picnic
Pritchard Park small pavilion 11a-4p
Speaker TBD
Burgers/Brats and Chips
Bring a dish or dessert if you wish
Sodas/water available $1 each